This post was last updated on 3rd May 2021
Pinning a post on Facebook group and How to pin a Facebook group itself; this is what we are going to learn today! I am starting a new series called #TuesdayTips. These tips are simple ones that will help you manage your social media channels or groups. It is aimed at newbies who are interested in trying new things and these simple tips will help them better their channel or group.
Today we are going to look at ‘How to Pin a Facebook group’ and ‘pinning a post on Facebook group’

Facebook even today is the most popular social media network in India. It is also one of the few popular social media channels that let you create and take part in groups based on similar interests or hobbies. Many of your favorite pages today might have their groups where they share interests, discuss trends, ask important queries, share anecdotes and much more. To be a part of a thriving and engaging group, you need to know what is being discussed in that group regularly. However, after the current updates in FB, knowing what is happening in all the groups that you are a part of is not easily possible.
Why Don’t I get notifications from all the Groups in FB?
You might believe that if I follow a group, I am bound to get notifications from that group, correct? WRONG!! Let’s look at some of the statistics and information to understand this better –
To start with Worldwide there are 2.41 billion monthly active users on Facebook and 200 million people have joined groups that they derive value from.
Every Facebook user has at least 1500 posts competing for a spot in his newsfeed! This includes posts from all the friends, pages, groups that you are a part of and it does not include the paid ads that appear in the newsfeed! So the higher the number of friends and pages liked, the less likely it is that you will see posts from all the pages and friends.
The good news is that Facebook recently created a separate tab for groups. There is a

group icon on Facebook home screen that provides updates from groups. Yet, there are a lot of groups that are vying for the end-users’ attention, and hence it is important that you select the settings in such a way that you do not miss an update from your group.
How to Pin a Facebook Group
Check out this video to understand how to help users get your content first. This differs from a page or profile, so check out the video. This will ensure that you know when there are new posts in your group and you can quickly go and engage in the group.
What we just saw a simple way to pin a particular facebook group. Similarly, you can even pin a post in a facebook group.
How to Pin a post in Facebook Group?
After the current updates, one cannot pin a post directly in the Facebook Group. To pin a published post in a Facebook group, you need to follow the steps below.
Click on the three dots on the right side of the specific post
Click ‘Mark as Announcement’
Once a post is marked as announcement, you can pin that particular post in Facebook group.
As of now, Facebook group only allows announcements to be pinned on the group. So if you are creating an announcement, that too can be easily pinned.

Why should a Facebook Group Owner care for Pinning?
Every user has the option of deciding how they want to be notified about a particular group. This they can do by going to Groups – Notifications and then selecting one of the following
All posts
Friends posts
The notifications by default are set to Highlights. Hence to ensure that your group is engaging and your content is seen by maximum people, you need to maximize the reach of it.
Another point is that based on the statistics mentioned above, you now know that there is tough competition to appear in a user’s newsfeed. Add to it the fact that only 300 posts actually make it to the newsfeed based on Facebook’s algorithm.
The Facebook algorithm, just like Google algorithm, is shrouded in secrecy. The only thing we know is that they based it on the number and quality of engagement that the user has with your posts. Hence it is important to ensure that good content is posted and the same is visible to the end-user for him to engage with it.
Hope these tips help you in pinning the right post on a Facebook group and attracting audience and building engagement on a pinned Facebook group.
Such tips always comes handy. With social media becoming a integral element in blogging, we all need such valuable tips. The video clip made everything crystal clear.
That was a very important read even for me Neha, I’ve never understood the FB also just like that of Google and this post was very informative for me.
This is a very useful post. I wasnt aware of the importance for pinning a Facebook group. Thanks for sharing, Neha, will follow this right away!
This was really helpful, I had no clue that we could pin the facebook group as well and also the benefits of doing this. Thank you so much for sharing.
This is such a valuable post Neha, I had no clue about it, thank you so much for sharing this
This is so informative post for all of us who use so much social media for daily blogging..I used to pin the groups on FB it’s really helpful!!
Amazing and insightful post. Very useful and beneficial tips for pinning FB group. Daily blogging needs to manage social media channels and groups for bloggers.
Great thoughts.
Thank you for sharing this information neha this will definitely help us all.
This was a very helpful article. I have been struggling with staying updated on fb because of the notification not coming. Gonna try the settings for group notifications.
Valuable tips although I already knew how to pin Facebook groups.
The topic you have touched used to trouble me too… Thanks for sharing.
This is an extremely informative post and thank you for sharing. I didn’t know of this and will definitely use this information.
Wow thats an amazing tip. I was also unable to check out latest posts in facebook groups I have joined in. This will help for sure to be updated. Thanks!