Indian Bloggers

The other day my daughter teased, “Hey Mom, now all of us will go out of the house in the morning, me and brother to school and dad to the office. You will be alone in the house.” While I muttered under my breath “You have no clue how desperately I have been waiting for this” Yup! With two kids your house is never quiet, especially as long as both are not in formal school. My younger one will start preschool this year and I have been so waiting for it. He in school will mean two hours of peace at home, well not exactly because I will be motoring through to finish chores and blog posts before he is back, but still it is better than not getting done anything in the whole day.

Unusual unwinding places

The Bathroom

If you are a mother of two, you know there is no peace or ‘me time’ anywhere in the house, except the bathroom. The bathroom is my hiding place when things are getting out of hand and I need a breather. When the going is good, I can actually think, maybe even read a book (at least a few pages) and check on my social media while in the bathroom. And then there are times when the moment I enter the bathroom one of them want something from the bathroom or have some questions that just can’t wait till I come out of the bathroom.

The Car

Another place is my car! I leave to pick the kids and take the longest possible route to have some ‘me time’ with music on. This helps me think, focus and even relax before the next rush hour starts. As it is with two kids, you are always running errands for one or the other, the best way to utilize that time is unwinding.

The Balcony

The balcony is another place where I like to unwind. When the kids are busy watching Television, I sneak in the balcony and do nothing. Just enjoy the fresh air, see the on-goings around and do absolutely nothing. So when I am really worked up, I turn on the kid’s channel (my kids won’t move an inch when that damn thing is turned on) and sneak out in the balcony. I know docs might not agree with TV time, but for my sanity, I need that break 😛
Do you have such unwinding places? What are those? I would love to be inspired.


I am writing this post for #Barathon from Blogarhythm with the theme seven situations unique to a mother of two.

18 Replies to “Unlikely unwinding destinations”

  1. Oh tell me about it! The bathroom is such a haven. Even though, my kids now 10, are at the door within minutes of me going in asking for something or the other, but still, I can stay on there at least for a while and postpone the chore. I completely empathise with you.

    1. haha! Reading your comment I have realized I will be hiding in the bathroom for much longer 😛

  2. I so relate to your relief on the younger starting his school. My younger one is only currently. I am desperately waiting for him to join school next year so that I could have some peace and time to myself.

  3. I don’t know if your blog is meant for mothers as a core theme, but this post of yours is something that I have enjoyed reading.

    As a bachelor, I have lots of unwinding time and places, so much that I am afraid it would make me a mad philosopher or something:)

  4. He he he bathroom was my mom’s me-time place too. She would often hide from the three brats that were her kids. Glad that you will be finding more time for yourself now.

  5. Hahaaa! Balcony as a place to unwind is believable.
    But Bathroom & Car- seriously unlikely – but glad u hav find them relaxing. It works for u – n that is more important.

    Loved reading your post! Very unique indeed.

  6. I know the feeling… been there and done that. Bathroom was my safe haven too for most of the time, though, there were questions and requests that couldnt wait till I came out. Thank God, those days are behind me. 😀

    1. Thank you DeeDee. I enjoyed doing #BaraThon. It was my first and support from bloggers like you meant a lot

  7. Well, a mom of two will definitely connect with your post, like how crazy life would be when you don’t have me time for yourself, like me time is necessary for everyone but I guess being a mother every woman adjust slowly. Keep sharing your experiences.

  8. Oh I so relate to this post for me unwinding destination is my balcony with my laptop and music playing in background….just me time

  9. Haha.. I am the same.. Bathroom geels like heaven till the time ur kids are not knocking and sitting on the door.. And yes driving is pleasure.. For thise who dont drive, they are missing out on this unwinding ritual

  10. Balcony is my favourite place to unwind and give myself a space from household work and kids I love to sit there and SIP a coffee peacefully.

  11. Oh my god Bathroom is my favourite place to unwind at work because no one complains on how long you can stay in there 😛
    Also a lot of times we dont get to go out !
    Driving without traffic Is what i agree on !

  12. Neha, you have essayed the situation of mother very brilliantly. Yes balconies are my escape zone too when I neither want to speak or need to instruct, just some “ME” time.

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